Hi, I'm Karen.
When I was in college, I worked as a teacher assistant for two years under a design professor who often assigned projects that weren’t well tailored to the amount of time the students had to work on them. As I got to know each student a little better every week, I realized that my role wasn’t just about giving the students feedback about their composition and color choices. It was also about connecting with them and helping them learn how to navigate a curriculum structure that just didn’t understand what the students needed and why they needed it. That was the starting point.
I’m a UX/UI designer based in the SF Bay Area. Ever since I picked up my first Redwall book in third grade, I’ve been chasing after sagas of adventure and triumph, but the ones that stay with me are the bitter victories after trials by fire and untold loss.
I like people watching and building things, both physical and digital. When I go on walks, I’ll stop and stare at every new flower along the path. In my free time, I bake checkerboard cookies, read way too many comics, and work toward creating my own stories.